APRI (AIDS Project Rhode Island) is offering free HIV and Hep C testing for Newport-area residents. Testing happens on the second and third Thursday of each month (12-2 pm on the second Thurs, and 3-5 pm on the third). This schedule is the same for every month. Testing is located at The MLK Center on 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd, Newport. For more information check out https://aidsprojectri.org/get-tested/.
If you can’t make it, they offer an at-home HIV testing kit for anyone with a Rhode Island mailing address. For more information on testing kits, go to https://aidsprojectri.org/get-tested/at-home/.
They are also offering free at-home COVID-19 rapid tests to clients who request one via in-person or at-home testing. They have a limited number of COVID-19 tests,
so it will be first come first serve until they run out.

